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Fundraiser for SMPTE Today - Cookbook Debut

Folks asked for our recipes so frequently that we thought we’d better make a cookbook and share some of our favorite, original culinary creations. Today, 21 February 2011, Ensemble Designs debuts its new cookbook, “Cafe Ensemble: Favorite Recipes From Ensemble Designs.” Half the proceeds from cookbooks sold at tonight’s SMPTE meeting will go to SMPTE. For those who can’t make the meeting, the cookbook can be purchased on our online store.

With over 300 photos and clear instructions, this cookbook of specialties features original, made from scratch recipes that have been prepared here at Ensemble Designs.

Cafe Ensemble, our in-house kitchen, is used by nearly everyone at Ensemble Designs. While Potato Tuesday and Taco Thursday are the norm here at the cafe, on other days one might find gourmet pizza or farmer salad being prepared and shared.

Our customers are engineers and equipment operators from broadcast TV stations and video facilities from all over the world. And although our business is creating superior video and audio equipment, it’s fun to expand things by sharing a meal with our customers.